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Centre County Ballot Recount

It’s been two weeks after Election Day, and tensions are high for Centre County’s Election Board on how they handled un-dated mail in ballots.

“To set the record straight, Centre County did not have any un-dated mail in or absentee ballots brought before the board of elections during the counting of ballots”

Centre County Election Board Member, Commissioner Amber Concepcion refuting reports that the county was counting undated mail in ballots which violates state election code.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Monday, ruled undated, or incorrectly dated mail-in ballots from from the November 5th election, can not be counted.

We reported on the contested status of three mail in ballots, with date issues, in centre county that ended up being the subject of a court suit.

“Of the three, one ballot had too many characters in the date boxers, and another voter had changed a one to a zero to symbolize the month as ten, both challenges to these ballots were withdrawn in litigation, the third challenge
related to where the voter wrote day month year, a military or European date form that the Pa. Dept. of State advised to be acceptable”

The State Supreme Court decision is the latest in a series of rulings about mail in ballots which came about through Act 77 in 2019.

Since then confusion, court suits, and controversy.

“I will make another plea to our state legislators and the governor to please clean up any language you can from act 77, so we can move on, not have the courts, either days before an election, or during an election count,tell us how to do business”

In Centre County, the required two percent recount of the General Election results are now completed with the state mandated recount of the U.S. Senate race expected to be done in the next few days.

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