A new Federal report shows that the number of people in the United States who are having problems getting enough to eat increased sharply this year.
This comes as food banks and other providers are already busy gearing up to help those in need during the upcoming holiday season.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture food insecurity
Those going hungry in our country rose sharply last year with some of the hardest hit being families with children.
“Its shocking. I mean it came from the USDA, the federal government. they said ten million more families,and thats going to equal out to about 33 million people, we have people who don’t believe we have a hunger issue, because they don’t see it.”
This week, among those on the front lines helping to distribute food to those in need Penn State students and volunteers from the Lion Ambassadors Program.
“We are working with the YMCA to package more than three hundred Thanksgiving boxes for those in the community who suffer from food insecurity.”
The USDA report says 7 million families are dealing with limited food and meal supplies. Also reported,more than 13 million children are in food insecure households.
Ironically it was another federal program SNAP supplemental nutrition assistance program formerly termed food stamps where drastic cuts were made earlier this year.
Experts say its impact compounding hunger problems.
“The SNAP benefits need to be increased, no doubt. theres more families struggling.they’re suffering right now.to them maybe thanksgiving dinner is going to be some minute steaks,things like that.”
In terms of being thankful assistance agencies point to their volunteers.
“Anything you do to fight hunger is bare bones, what I mean is you don’t need a lot of fancy things to go out and get food in people.you have people who want to volunteer.a lot of people who received food during COVID-19,they are now volunteering in a lot of places.”
According to the USDA report the number of people facing food insecurity issues is the largest increase, in the past 14 years.