Over in Cambria County Children and Youth case workers along with other county employees will not be getting bonuses to help combat their staffing shortages.
The decision was made after the idea proposed by one of the commissioners was shot down by the other 2.
Nicole Fuschino spoke to leaders on all sides of the issue and tells us where the heated debate stands now.
The fight continues for Cambria County Children & Youth workers to combat their staffing crisis as over half of their case worker positions remain vacant.
“I believe we are at a point with our case workers where we are down to 13 out of 36 positions. In order to be able to have adequate service provided to the county, we need to do something.”
Cambria County Commissioner Scott Hunt went against his fellow commissioners once again
As he proposed a bonus for ‘all’ county workers not just those in cys using American Rescue Funds.
“This would not be opening the contract. This would be a one-time bonus that would help with recruiting and retention.”
Commissioners Tom Chernisky and B.J. Smith didn’t second the motion saying it would cost too much money and that
“It would be difficult to give County employees who received a paycheck throughout the pandemic premium pay while other businesses and employees in Cambria County were left without.”
“We are losing employees county wide because of the job market. This would be an opportunity to show our commitment to our employees that says: it might only be this amount, but we appreciate what you do, and we want you to stay with us.”
Representatives from the SEIU say “childrens’ safety will be compromised. You are the only ones that can change this as our administration and staff have done everything they can to meet the needs of families and children. The responsibility to change this lies solely in your hands.”
To help “Stop the bleed”of workers leaving