In Clearfield County, thousands of people lined the decorated streets of Osceola Mills for the 101st Columbia Volunteer Fire Company Fireman’s Parade. It was led by Military Veterans with the Osceola Mills Honor Guard and included Fire Companies from four counties, political leaders, youth sports teams, high school bands and more.
The parade is part of the Fireman’s Fair and is the “Biggest Bash” of the week long event. Assistant Chief and Vice President Trevor Harris of the Columbia Volunteer Fire Company saying: “It’s really awesome that we can provide such an event like that to bring people in. last year, we had people come in from the Southern Carolinas, from out west. they would even come up and say i come here every year from the west of the united states to be here with our family to celebrate this holiday they love so much.”
The Fireman’s Fair runs every night this week, with a fireworks display scheduled for Saturday night.