The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission is alerting consumers that several major utility companies will once again be raising their rates, beginning Sept. 1.
According to the announcement, the rate increases will coincide with the companies’ quarterly price reset.
Beginning Sept. 1, here is how the state’s major utility companies’ rates will change:
Met-Ed, up from 7.936 cents to 9.397 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) (18.4%);
PECO, up from 7.637 cents to 8.508 cents per kWh (11.4%);
Penelec, up from 8.443 cents to 10.021 cents per kWh (18.7%);
Penn Power, up from 8.694 cents to 10.348 cents per kWh (19%); and
West Penn Power, up from 8.198 cents to 8.306 cents per kWh (1.3%).
Pennsylvanians who are struggling with their utility bills should contact #CallUtilitiesNow to discuss outstanding balances and assistance programs.