While you might be trying to beat the heat, you shouldn’t forget about your pets.
Experts at Johnstown Veterinary Associates say high temperatures like what we’re feeling this week can be dangerous for your pets. They said they’ve had to treat dogs for several heat-related issues, from heat stroke to burnt paws.
“If you put your hand on the sidewalk or even if you go barefoot yourself and you feel like you’re going to get burned, then your pet will probably get burned.”
He said that pets with preexisting heart conditions or dog breeds with shorter noses are more likely to suffer from heat exhaustion.
“Symptoms to watch for would be panting, drooling, they start shaking, vomiting. If you don’t pay attention, they could start having seizures. We have seen some cases of [dogs] being unconscious,”
He said you should keep your pets inside with air conditioning or a fan on hot days or wait until the sun starts to go down before taking them for a walk. He also said you should bring a water bottle for your pet if you’re going for a longer walk.
Assad also said you should never keep your pet in the car unattended for more than 10 minutes, especially if the air conditioning is off.
“Leaving pets in cars is very dangerous, especially in this kind of weather it takes not more than 10 minutes, and you might be losing a pet in that kind of heat if the car is closed and no air conditioner is on,”
Assad said it’s not just important to listen to the signs your pet is showing, but the way you’re feeling as well.
“My advice to pet owners is use your own judgement and listen to your own body. If you go outside and you feel you’re hot, then your pet is going to be the same way. Do not go inside in air conditioning and leave them outside unattended,”
If you’re concerned about your pet’s behavior from the heat, experts say you should take them to a local vet’s office.