This weekly series, hosted by KC O’Day, features local health & wellness, fitness, and nutrition experts covering topics such as your mental and physical health, fitness, and nutrition. You can watch Laurel Eye Clinic’s Your Health Matters every Monday at 12:30 pm on ABC 23 and 10:35 pm on FOX 8.
The Laurel Eye Clinic is dedicated to being the leader in Ophthalmology by providing the highest quality ophthalmic care and related services. They are committed to upholding the highest of ethical standards and place patient satisfaction above all else. Laurel Eye Clinic has offices in Altoona, Bedford, Brookville, Clearfield, DuBois, St. Marys, Grove City, Johnstown, New Bethlehem, and Seneca. Visit Laurel Eye Clinic for more information.
Weis Markets: No-Bake Energy Bites
September 25, 2023
Encore Presentation Kimberly Asman, an In-store Dietitian for Weis Markets, shares a recipe for No-Bake Energy Bites. Visit Weis Markets...
Tips for Maintaining Your Child’s Oral Health
September 25, 2023
Encore Presentation Doctor Chase Ellis from Pediatric Dental Care in Port Matilda joins us with some tips for maintaining your...
HEALTHY Eats: Citrus Marinated Tofu
September 25, 2023
Kristina Marinkovich, author of the cookbook "H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. Eats", shares a recipe for Citrus Marinated Tofu. Citrus Marinated Tofu over Quinoa...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month
September 25, 2023
Skin Cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. It is estimated that one in five Americans will...
End-of-Season Bloopers
September 25, 2023
We’re ending Season 2 with a little fun! Our editor, Tom Concannon, has gathered up some bloopers from the Around...
Lower Back Pain Myths
September 25, 2023
Nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain, and back pain is the sixth most costly condition...