It’s been about a year and a half since American Rescue Plan money was funneled into local Municipal coffers. So, where is that money being spent? In this report we have an update as we have followed the money for the last 18 months and where it is being allocated.
More than a Quarter of a Billion Dollars was allocated for our 10 Counties and more than 360 Cities, Townships, and Boroughs in the viewing area. Federal Government tracking data shows how much has already been spent. Of the $350 Billion allocated to State and Local Governments, about $100 Billion of it has been designated to be spent — of which more than $69 Billion has already gone out.
Locally, our analysis of our 10 County Governments shows they’ve obligated about $61 Million of their $143 Million investment. About the same amount also is going out to our more than 360 Cities, Townships, and Boroughs in the viewing area too.
State College has obligated half of its $13.2 Million. Much of it on revenue replacement. Much of what’s left is set to go toward sanitary and sewer enhancement. The Fed data shows Altoona has obligated just $1.4M of their $39.6 Million to various small projects so far, though they plan to spend $14 Million soon on three dozen stormwater projects.
Johnstown has formally budgeted about half of its $30.7 Million, but the city has a wide-ranging plan for all of it, including a revitalization of main street, stormwater repairs, and aid programs.
There’s still a good bit of time for all that money to be spent as they have until 2024 to allocate it.