In Centre County, the County’s President Judge issued a ruling in a case filed over the status of one single ballot in this month’s General Election. Meanwhile, the legal status of dozens of other ballots remain unresolved.
The one single ballot court fight stemmed from a mail-in vote cast in the November 8th Election. The Voter is currently registered to vote in Centre County, with the original home address listed as being a Penn State Dorm. But the Dorm has been closed since August, and in their latest mail-in application, the voter listed two out of County addresses. Centre County’s Board of Election primarily voted to count the ballot. That decision was appealed to County Court, and Monday Centre County’s President Judge Pamela Ruest ruled against the Election Board in ordering that the ballot shouldn’t be counted.
Steve Dershem, the Centre Co. Commissioner saying: “It wasn’t added in our preliminary final tally, so it wont impact what’s being certified.”
Also in Centre County, there are dozens of mail in ballots from the Election that have been set aside due to questions about their date or signature. Centre County does not allow voters to cure or fix mail-ins where similar discrepancies are noted. The fate of the set aside ballots are now awaiting Court decisions. Close to 15,600 mail-in and absentee ballots were cast in Centre County in this month’s Election.