A national program called “Save a Million Puppies” is raising awareness about a viral disease that can be fatal to young dogs.
Every year, more than 3 hundred thousand puppies are diagnosed with canine Parvovirus.
Highly contagious, it’s a gastrointestinal illness that spreads through contact with other dogs, or places they’ve been.
Puppies, if left untreated, especially if they’re not vaccinated, have a far higher chance of dying from Parvovirus.
“We do see a higher incidence about now, right about April, running through the summer. That is when we see most of Parvovirus puppies that will come in.”
Dr. Fred Metzger is one of a group of veterinarians nationwide working on a new vaccine for Parvovirus, which so far has proven to be highly successful in treating Parvo-stricken puppies.
They’re also developing a first-of-its-kind tracking tool to update new cases.
“It is going to be a national tracking baser of puppies with Parvovirus that we can look at. So, if we have a hot spot in central Pennsylvania, the Laurel Highlands, that can be sent out to other veterinarians, so they can be on the lookout.”
If your dog is refusing to eat, seems especially tired, or is showing other unusual symptoms you’re urged to get them checked. The Parvovirus can survive, sometimes for years, even through cold, or extreme weather conditions.