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YMCA’s and Cen-Clear Child Services Program

One of the basic ideas for a new program in Centre County is to grow more of our own food, and get kids involved.

As Gary Sinderson reports the program is backed by an organization thats distributed tons of food during the past few years.

Say hi to this new wave of farmers from the Philipsburg Osceola School District. This field in Clearfield County, their classroom

“Isn’t that interesting. so tomato is like the potato’s cousin. thats because they rhyme”

Justine Kurtz is Today’s instructor. He’s part of the YMCA’s and Cen-Clear Child Services new educational project simply termed the farm aimed at the younger generation

“We’ve seen the average of farmers is between 55 and 65. so getting kids excited about food would be an asset to the nation overall”

The goal here to work with area school districts hands on farming for students, along with nutrition related lessons

“Food is medicine so straiting with nutrition based lessons at a young age is a wonderful thing to see”

The Student Involvement Project already drawing attention from a bigger school, Penn State

“I want to engage all of Penn state, students, faculty, the board to help this program”

This field just the first step in future plans here featuring agriculture related education and opportunities

“The face of food insecurity has changed in the past few years.which means how we face food insecurity must change. I believe we can do that with agricultural education”


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