Today marks day 2 of Ag Progress Days.
As Gary Sinderson reports the event continues to showcase the agriculture industry as well as
The annual government luncheon is the day two highlight at Ag Progress, with a host of elected officials and others on hand. They found out quick the state has a new cheerleader in Penn State’s new President Dr. Neeli Bendapudi Penn State President
“I don’t know what it is about Pennsylvania. I have to tell you,you are the warmest, most open hearted,most welcoming group i have seen anywhere”
A lot of talk here about the future of the farming, especially for the younger generation.
“I like to call Ag progress the future of agriculture, it’s hard not to discover that when you’re just walking around”
Penn State’s Ag Extention program has offices in every county in the state. Offering expertise from growing better tomatoes to high tech research advances. The research business has been busy, even during the pandemic
“We had a 51 percent increase in grant income from 2020 to 2021, so they may have been pinned down at their desks, but they were busy, we had a 53 million dollars for the college that year in grant income”
The focus on farming in Pennsylvania a major impact on the state’s economy. Agriculture remaining the number one industry more than 7.3 million acres of farmland, and thousands of jobs. And the state’s largest outdoor Ag expo, Ag Progress Days a Penn State showcase
“I want to say when you think Ag, you think Penn State, because wherever you went to school, a couple of you said sorry, I’m not a Penn State alum, well not everyone gets to be that luck I get it”