At many county election offices, as staff is gearing up for the upcoming November general election they’re still handling questions about past elections.
At the Centre County election office a sizable increase in recent, right to know request submissions
“We have, there’s has been an uptick in right to know laws, so we have a lot of the information pertinent to 2020,2022,readily available”
County Commissioner Chairman Michael Pipe stresses, if its deemed public information, the county is making it a priority to respond to the request for information. Across the country, there’s similar reports about the sizable
uptick in election information requests, especially for 2020 voting records.
Centre County officials also stressing its not going to sidetrack the election office personnel in preparing for the November election.
In fact the county has just filled a new position, hiring a vote-by mail coordinator
“Coordinating when they’re going out.making sure the vendor has sent them out in a timely basis,people are receiving them. also making sure drop boxes are open,when ballots are returned they can be safely secured”
For the upcoming November 8th, election, a week before November first is the deadline for a county election office to receive an application for a mail in or absentee ballot