In State College Borough’s recent budget review for the new year, a mention of working with State Lawmakers to approve a new Drink Tax
“The bottom line is its not a state tax, this is the ability fro a local municipality to make the right decisions for themselves”
State Representative Paul Takac stresses the drink tax idea is in early stages and it wouldn’t be for just State College. For the borough, a home rule municipality few options in raising revenue
“We have a limited permanent tax base for our earned income tax, it is hard for that base to grow very much because were land locked. so we need other ways to raise money”
Several years ago, a similar idea, a drink tax was considered here, among the strongest opposition, the Restaurant and Tavern Association
“I am in support of this without burdening the bars, we don’t want to burden the what is one of the highest industries in town”
Like many municipalities, the borough continues to deal with increasing costs. Among them is policing, and nearly 70 percent of State College Police calls,are alcohol related
“We are not the only municipality in the State that might benefit from this, I believe we’re a key example of the kind of municipality it would i don’t see this as an additional burden. i see it as local tax payer relief.”
When the drink tax was previously considered here, it was estimated it would raise at least three million dollars in revenue.